Saturday, June 27, 2009

True Blood

Yes, I am late to hop on board, I have heard of this show but I really am not *usually* a vampire fan.... I mean pre-twilight, I could care less, and even post-twilight, I felt like Stephenie Meyer's creation was - unique....

But I saw it on hbo a few days ago and pvr'd it. Today I watched it. S2E2. I LOVED IT - So this evening I have been watching online from various sources (my computer is so crappy, it can't handle torrents or downloads) and I am just LOVING the show.

Anyways, If you haven't checked it out - you may want to - I didn't think I'd want to watch something about vampires, afterall, my love is more for Edward than vampire-life.... but this.... much more adult, scary, creepy, intense, awesome!

OMG - My New Love!!!

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