Sunday, May 24, 2009


Schmuck is a nickname we gave a guy who works on the set.... it was not meant to be offensive, but more, funny and quirky.... a term of endearment if you will .... LOL

Definition Pulled from ***~HERE~***

"Schmuck, a Yiddish word, has a range of meaning depending on context. In its most innocuous use, a schmuck is a person who does a stupid thing, in which case "dumb schmuck" is the appropriate expression. A schmuck's behavior ranges from pesky and inconsiderate, to obnoxious and manipulative.


Now, MeMy told me *NOT* to post this, but I don't always listen to MeMy (which is why I often find myself in situations where I have to deal with upset people) BUT - - - I have to clarify a few things:

  • "Schmuck's Name did *NOT* come up because of last Friday's escapades" - I know he was doing his job, I think it's HILARIOUS he got EVERYONE to go to the other side of the set so cast could leave quickly and safely.... To me, it is a sign he is awesome at his job... he has *JUST* the right mix of kindness and trickery...I felt bad for the people who waited all night, but again, it is what it is.

  • "Schmuck's name was *NOT* created to be mean" - despite the fact that apparently I "hurt his feelings" (tee hee we know he is tougher than that - too funny he is hilarious) It was created because we nicknamed all the security with "SSS" or "SHHH" names (not what you are thinking... they are mostly meant to be ENDEARING!!!)

  • "Schmuck to me is someone who is manipulative and talks a lot of B.S." - to me - this is our "schmuck" He is very good at controlling situations, manipulating things to create the best environment for the people he is responsible for and talks a big talk - as in - says what needs to be said to keep the situation how it needs to be.... yes he pisses people off, yes we don't always like what he does, but he is doing his job, not making friends with fans...

    So.... Schmuck, if you are reading this - We know you rock at your job, we know you do what you have to do, we hate that there are so many crazies leading to you having to do things that piss people off, but we get it - your job is NOT to please fans but to keep the ball rolling on production and cast comfort and safety.... We simply came up with "Schmuck" as code name because we didn't know your real name, and then once we learned it, we figured you didn't want it broadcast....

    We def. appreciate you keeping everything under control - if only it could include cast waving to fans as they drive by.... particularily Taylor as I haven't met him yet ;)

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